Tag: YouTube

  • Make yourself at home 🏡

    Counter extension Personally, I am someone who loves to cook big meals and living in a motor, has not always made that easy. It took me a while to adapt to not having any counter space. I would usually just put my large cutting board over the sink and made that work, and when needed,…

  • You might not have known.

    You had an interview with her and wondered why she was so anxious. You might not know that she has been turned down from every other application. You wondered why she took things so seriously. You might not know how many people took her as a joke. You asked her to go get nails from…

  • From me to him.

    From me to him. You had no right. You had no right to say those things. You had no right to make me feel like I was less. You had no right to touch me. You had no right to make me feel so small. Today I will prove everything you ever thought about me…