Don’t hold it in.

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Now I mean that literally.

It’s no secret that having a proper washroom facility on a jobsite is nearly unheard of. Not only that the space in a outhouse is terribly small, they are also cleaned no more then once a week and you must consider yourself lucky if it’s done properly. It’s basically a box that’s no more then 4’x4′, there’s also usually a urinal just to make things extra uncomfortable. Now should we all agree that in 2024, workers shouldn’t need to justify why that isn’t normal.

For some, this is the least of their problems, but for others – it’s major.

Whether you someone with a J-pouch, bladder issues, digestive issues, a women who’s given birth, a women who’s going through her menstrual cycle and so on – this will be an issue. Now of course, this is when one will say just “hold it in”. Which is exactly what I did.

Two times did it lead to a UTI. For those who don’t know, it’s extremely painful and unpleasant. The second time was when it got more serious and ended up as a kidney infection. I was hurried to the hospital then plugged on IV for 4 hours. I was lucky that I had contacted a doctor about my soar back.

The reason is that urine obviously has bacteria. When you hold it in for to long, you risk the chance of that bacteria settling in your bladder which could lead to infections.

So, should it really be a discussion/argument on why all construction workers deserve the right to a proper washroom facility? Many people tend to forget that they are often the first ones awake and at work. Building the country, powering cities and insuring that we have access to all the luxuries we tend to forget to be grateful for.

If you are someone who is part of the decision making when it comes to these things, keep all of this into consideration.

If having a flushable one isn’t an option, have them cleaned more frequently. Have hand washing stations. Have a facility for women.

Jobs in the industry rarely considered easy. With how little it cost, there’s no reason companies can’t make the “extra” effort.

Let’s do better together.

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About the author

Hi! My name is Sasha Kassis. I am an advocate for people in construction as well as a content creator. In my blogs you will find stories, tips and reviews to better help understand the industry, the issues we face and solutions.
To breakdown stereotypes, you’ll also find personal blogs and find how tradespeople are citizens just like you. #Thankyourlocaltradesperson

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